Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Advocacy Fund


Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Advocacy Fund


Advocating for Conservative
Clean Energy Policies

The Michigan Conservative Energy Forum - Advocacy Fund (MICEF-AF) is a 501(c)(4) organization that educates and advocates for energy policy solutions that move Michigan towards energy independence and a clean energy future. MICEF-AF works with policymakers and stakeholders across the state to promote policies that secure affordable, reliable, and increasingly efficient and renewable energy. Commonsense, market-driven clean energy policies will create local jobs, spark innovation and investment, and lower electric rates for all.

MICEF-AF is guided by conservative principles such as free markets, minimum government regulation, and encouraging innovation. These are the means for driving down energy costs, stimulating job and economic growth, and creating a diverse and robust energy industry in our great state.
— Ed Rivet, MICEF-AF Executive Director



120 N. Washington Sq.
Ste. 300
Lansing, MI 48933

